Posts by Mr P Hucker

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Android tasks? (Message 2093)
Posted 1 Jul 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Actually Sidock doesn't have the Android symbol here, so it shouldn't be appearing on my phone:

It doesn't appear now, maybe it was my fault and I connected it because somebody said you were planning an Android program.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Android tasks? (Message 2091)
Posted 29 Jun 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Hi! We have no Android application. Existing application for ARM (32-bit) can be used inside UserLand (with some tricks needed for running 32-bit application in 64-bit environment), but it can be inconvenient due to the heating of device. I tried running it on Cortex A-76 cores of my smartphone.
I have no problem running all 8 cores of my Android on Universe, Asteroids, and Einstein. Boinc automatically prevents the battery going over 40C, which even in a 27C room, it doesn't.

My phone finds your project as one to attach to, I don't know if you can edit the list Boinc sees on different platforms?
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Android tasks? (Message 2089)
Posted 29 Jun 2023 by Mr P Hucker
I'm sure I remember in the past there was development of an Android version of Sidock. But I can't find the discussion in the forum.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : establish new subprojects for new hours on WUprop? (Message 2056)
Posted 16 Apr 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Hello Natalia, hello hoarfrost. I am reaching 25.000 hours
How very parochial
I'm an atheist and not parochial in any way.

not everyone lives in the UK or uses British conventions.
When writing in English, it's best to use English notation.

It's also more logical: In writing the . is the major separator between sentences and the , is the sub separator between parts of a sentence.
So in numbers the . is the major separator between whole and fractional parts and the , is the sub separator to make it clearer to read a long number.
And it's called a "decimal point", not a "decimal comma".
Plus the EU is always wrong.

I wonder what computers would think if you input that number? Don't tell me there are European versions of compilers?
5) Message boards : Number crunching : establish new subprojects for new hours on WUprop? (Message 2054)
Posted 16 Apr 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Hello Natalia, hello hoarfrost. I am reaching 25.000 hours
6) Message boards : News : BOINC Census 2022, be counted! (Message 1986)
Posted 10 Feb 2023 by Mr P Hucker
I'd like to point out the fact most people will hate to hear, but ALL Boinc usage (along with all electric car usage) is actually fossil fuels. Yes that's right, your electric car is not helping the environment one bit. Think about it. Imagine no electric cars. x% of our power is renewable and is ALL being used. (100-x)% has to be filled in by fossil fuels. Now add an extra load on the grid - electric cars or Boinc or that stupid Bitcoin. There's no unused renewable to feed it. So they have to crank up the fossil fuel generation.

Even if you have solar panels, where would that power go if you didn't use it yourself for Boinc? You'd sell it to the grid, who would use it in place of fossil fuels. So by you running Boinc, they have to generate more fossil fuel power for someone else.

I still use Boinc anyway (8 computers flat out 24/7) - the science is worth it (well most projects are, the maths is very questionable).

Electric cars will be good once all power generation is renewable, since petrol cars can never be clean. But at the moment, they're not helping (apart from reducing local pollution).

As for the sentence in the report " appears we have a lot of work to do ..... on the emissions side of BOINC" - you can't. To do that you need to get the power companies to make more renewable resources, which is nothing to do with Boinc, it's an international thing.

As for the importance of Boinc, I'm running my GPUs on Folding@Home outside Boinc, because Boinc has very little in the way of useful projects for GPUs. AFAIK there are two astrophysics projects and a load of maths ones. Folding can do biology, so why can't Boinc?

81% not supporting a project non-financially is illogical. Either they didn't understand the question, or most people are using the electricity and computers at their work/school/university. I find it hard to believe that's 81%.
7) Message boards : News : BOINC Census 2022, be counted! (Message 1772)
Posted 2 Dec 2022 by Mr P Hucker
Thanks for telling me about this. Hopefully more people will find out about Boinc. Almost everyone I meet has never heard of it.
8) Questions and Answers : Web site : Email notification broken (Message 1697)
Posted 12 Aug 2022 by Mr P Hucker
Got the notification for this one, thankyou.
9) Questions and Answers : Web site : Email notification broken (Message 1687)
Posted 11 Aug 2022 by Mr P Hucker
I'm not receiving emails when someone replies to a thread. I've checked the settings on my account. Other projects email me ok.

If they're not fixed, I probably won't notice any reply to this message.
10) Message boards : News : Project status: March 2022 (Message 1620)
Posted 14 Apr 2022 by Mr P Hucker
Well said, no politics. We help humans, not one country. Engaging 100 CPU cores, hope you get my 6 ARM cores on here soon. I don't suppose there's any chance of GPU work? I've got 6 powerful GPUs doing other things I'd love to move to here. I appreciate biology on GPUs is difficult to achieve, but GPUGrid and Folding@Home have done it somehow.
11) Questions and Answers : Windows : Project fills CPU use to 100% although "Use at most xx% of CPU time" is set (Message 1584)
Posted 18 Mar 2022 by Mr P Hucker
I wish it wasn't % of CPUs. I have 24 cores. And I can never remember if it rounds up or down. The number of cores I want is often a recurring decimal when expressed as a percentage.

I have mine running all the time, even when I'm using it. I just have Boinc stop when I play games. Nothing else experiences a problem. The only exception is Virtualbox tasks, too many of those and an AMD gets very sluggish, so I just limit how many of those run.
12) Questions and Answers : Windows : Project fills CPU use to 100% although "Use at most xx% of CPU time" is set (Message 1581)
Posted 16 Mar 2022 by Mr P Hucker
The new total 64bit version of Boinc was supposed to have better control of that kind of stuff but with the Developers being 100% volunteers now due to their loss of funding, Boinc proved it's original grant funding theorem many years ago, the Developers are working to keep things running not implementing any new features. The existing version of Boinc is a hodgepodge of both 32 and 64 bit stuff, one reason it can't see more than 4gb of ram on a gpu, but it does work for the most part.
Who was funding Boinc development and why did they stop?
13) Questions and Answers : Windows : Project fills CPU use to 100% although "Use at most xx% of CPU time" is set (Message 1568)
Posted 11 Mar 2022 by Mr P Hucker
Are you setting low CPU time because you have high temps?
Personally i prefer to set the maximum concurrent running task by reducing the % o CPU and leaving CPU time at 100%

For example on your i3-4030u (4t) you can set % of CPUs between 50 and 74% to run 2wus, 75 to 99% to run 3wu

I also suggest you to check your runnig background app, because on the I3 you're using 6.9GB of RAM while on the I7 is 5.8GB with doble of active wus
For high temps, TThrottle is excellent. You simply set the max temperature you desire, and Boinc will be slowed down to not exceed it. Works with any project, even virtual box ones.
14) Questions and Answers : Windows : Project fills CPU use to 100% although "Use at most xx% of CPU time" is set (Message 1567)
Posted 11 Mar 2022 by Mr P Hucker
Personally i prefer to set the maximum concurrent running task by reducing the % o CPU and leaving CPU time at 100%
For example on your i3-4030u (4t) you can set % of CPUs between 50 and 74% to run 2wus, 75 to 99% to run 3wu

Yes, reducing number of concurrent tasks may be better solution than percent of CPU time.
Indeed - this is not a Sidock problem, it happens with many projects. Boinc put this option in which doesn't work, or relies on something most projects don't use.
15) Message boards : News : Target 11 - Sprot_delta_v1 (Message 1489)
Posted 14 Feb 2022 by Mr P Hucker
Hi folks! Also we added some bunches workunits with names like '%Pro_v1_run_3%' - for computations related to part of whole space of projects ligands. Main part of Sprot_delta_v1 workunits will follow by this set.
Sorry, should that say "will be followed by" or "will follow"? As in which comes first?
16) Questions and Answers : Web site : WEB SITE & PROJECT EXPIRED SSL CERTIFICATE - (Message 1483)
Posted 25 Jan 2022 by Mr P Hucker
... Boinc won't work.. Not sure how to let Boinc ignore this pedantry.

Nothing you can do with BOINC to allow communications withany project that has expired certificate.

SECURITY FOR A REASON. Would you like it if a web site that's no longer under the projects control install and run a malicious program using BOINC on your computer?
And you think 1 hour makes all the difference? These certificates are issued for TEN YEARS! Anyway, everyone has programs to watch for malicious stuff being saved on their disk. Remember the good old days when URLs began with http without the extra annoying S? Everything worked just fine and all my bank details were not stolen.
17) Questions and Answers : Web site : WEB SITE & PROJECT EXPIRED SSL CERTIFICATE - (Message 1480)
Posted 25 Jan 2022 by Mr P Hucker
Somebody fixed it, just uploaded some work.
18) Questions and Answers : Web site : WEB SITE & PROJECT EXPIRED SSL CERTIFICATE - (Message 1478)
Posted 25 Jan 2022 by Mr P Hucker
The projects/Web site certificate has EXPIRED TODAY!
GOOD UNTIL Tuesday, January 25, 2022 17:26:12 UTC
TIME NOW 17:51
Confirmed, Opera browser lets me in if I say "proceed anyway". Boinc won't work.. Not sure how to let Boinc ignore this pedantry. Seriously ,1DAY out of date? What prat wrote the html system?
19) Message boards : Cafe : Comparison to other projects? (Message 1474)
Posted 23 Jan 2022 by Mr P Hucker
And the other reason is a bit negative. After many years of crunching on various docking projects, I have really not seen any of them yield a useful treatment. Since SiDock is new to the distributed computing world, I think they should be given a chance to see what they can do. The best of luck to them.
They may not have directly yielded a treatment, but they may have eliminated things so other scientists have a better idea what to work on.

I've just received some 3clpro addons, looks like a bonus bit to finish it off? So I shoved 84 cores onto it :-)

Yeah I know my credit is zero, I'm connected through a Gridcoin pool. It pays for the hardware.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Pending credit with me and a wingman (Message 1460)
Posted 16 Jan 2022 by Mr P Hucker
The project has server problems and it tends to get overloaded. There are currently over 14,000 tasks waiting for validation (70 of them mine 🙂).

The work flows slowly but it does flow and you get the credits after a while.

I guess that's a good problem to have.
They grew to quickly for their funding.
You can always donate. Pass them a few gridcoins or something.

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