Computer 51805 CPU vs wingman computers CPUs

Single-thread performance. Comparison by CPU time spent on results: Wingman CPU time / Leading CPU time

Leading CPU Best Average Worst Wingman CPU
[Impl 0x41 Arch 8 Variant 0x0 Part 0xd03 Rev 4]4.5744.5744.574ARMv8 Processor rev 4 (v8l) [Impl 0x41 Arch 8 Variant 0x0 Part 0xd03 Rev 4]

Multi-thread computer performance. Comparison by CPU time spent on results and number of threads: (Wingman CPU time / Leading CPU time) * (Leading CPU threads / Wingman CPU threads)

Leading CPU Threads Best Average Worst Threads Wingman CPU
[Impl 0x41 Arch 8 Variant 0x0 Part 0xd03 Rev 4]42.2872.2872.2878ARMv8 Processor rev 4 (v8l) [Impl 0x41 Arch 8 Variant 0x0 Part 0xd03 Rev 4]

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