Christians: God is love, Jesus proves it. Jesus is the risen Savior, the empty tomb proves it.

God is love, Jesus proves it. Jesus is the risen Savior, the empty tomb proves it.

Team info
Created 3 Feb 2021
Web site
Total credit 2,128,342
Recent average credit 1,204
Cross-project stats Free-DC
Country International
Type Other
Founder Profile lies v LIFE. Abortion kills a new, unique human (50% are girls). *Its my body* is a lie; a MALE fetus CANT be just part of the Moms body. Dont be a DNA-denier. The fetus has her own CNS, circulatory system, blood type, GENES/I think=>I THINK I am. Gt
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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 1:47:40 UTC