Profile: Sajjad Imam*

Your personal background.
Originally from Bangladesh, residing in New York, USA. Hobbies are music, guitar, Sci-fi (books and movies), video games (strategy), computers and above all, BOINC.
I started to participate in the Distributed Computing back in 2001 in the "Classic Seti" era. Crunched 5000+ classic seti work units back then but unfortunately lost my old email and password to reactivate that account.
I like projects that has a common good towards humanity benefiting masses rathar than a small interest group.
Primarily I do number crunching for the science behind it but recognition and appreciation of my effort that comes in the form of "Credit" (:D) gives me a boost in my motivation. Also the thrill of competition amongst peers and teams spices up a typical mundane life. There you have it...the TRUTH... :D
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